TAP Room Podcast 13: Halloween and Pinterest


This time of year starts one of the most enjoyable times of the year and after all the 2020 fun, the Holiday(s) are arriving and we couldn’t be happier. To kick things off we’ve been working on Halloween photography sessions in the Tampa Bay market and utilizing Pinterest not only for ideas but to promote our brand. Looking into trends on what to post and also to see what’s the insight into trends that we could potentially utilize for photoshoots. When wanting to learn more on what’s trending it’s possible to see what the interest levels for Halloween, Christmas and various other activities in the “Trends Section” of the business analytics section of your account.

To have access the analytics section a business account is needed to access this as well.

When posting your links or relevant information, utilizing the search tool to see what relative words to use for your pins and what’s relevant to photography. Looking at what’s trending in photography in searched words the following are being used right now.

  • Photograph Aesthetic

  • Aesthetic Photo

  • Aesthetic Photographer

Looking at the trends, it seems that over 2020 the search for this has increased and has reached a peak in September YTD. By definition, aesthetic is the appreciation of beauty and my thought is after all that’s happened this year the term and search is popular due to a lot of pent of demand for travel and are looking for possible outlets of imagination, travel or wanting to find beautiful pictures.

Working with the holidays and trying to also spread the word of your photos, it can assist to see when people are planning and looking towards the holidays. Halloween search words start being inputted in March with a nice increase starting in August hitting it’s peak around October 3rd. After the 31st, the search drops off until spring of the next year and the cycle repeats.

The graphs are useful, since the users who search in Pinterest also have other social media and not only using the key words that are being searched can assist as you plan for future events throughout the year. Possibly increasing your bookings, selling your art or just looking to see what’s trending. Through numerous questions over the years, it’s always been wildly assumed that Pinterest is just for women and that’s far from the truth but on my account alone 30% of my viewers are male and the trend appears to be growing.

If you need a little further push into the Pinterest world, here are few more reasons why.

  1. Pinterest users seem content to simply find stuff and share it with small groups. Due to this behavior, it makes it attractive to marketers of those who want to get in front of these behaviors.

  2. Pinterest drives traffic and comparing the other social media outlets has the best organic traffic sent back to a website, unless you’re buying ads. 

  3. Pinterest can be an effective way to drive brand awareness. You’ll have a better opportunity to teach your customers how to use your product and direct them to your site.

  4. Remember, it’s a search engine.