Podcast 58: TaylorArtSports.com - Florida Sports Photography

We’ve increased our sports photography business in Florida substantially over the last 10 months. What we found, was that our brand of sports photos was gaining traction in both Tampa and the state abroad and it was time to brand out a bit. As we’ve expanded deeper into sports photos, we decided it was time to branch off our social media in the sports realm and have a page just focused on athletes.

It was a thought out process, but we do a lot of sport, theatre and unique athlete focused sessions such as explosive powder and wanted to make sure our younger audience could also see the other images from some of their competitors in a sports centric focused page.

This update will mainly be on social media, with TaylorArtSports on IG but if you type in taylorartsports.com, it’ll still direct you to our main page and head over to our growing sports section.